Monday, July 4, 2011

Sinopsis House of the Rising Sun (2011)

Sinopsis House of the Rising Sun (english)
Ray, an ex-cop, is starting a new life looking to stay out of trouble. One evening, on Ray's watch, the nightclub he works for is robbed and the owner's son is shot dead. As his criminal past is exposed Ray hunts for the person responsible for this crime in an effort to clear his own name. Ray must get to the bottom of this as both the mob and cops start to close in on him as their target suspect.

 Sinopsis House of the Rising Sun (indonesia) 
Ray, mantan polisi, memulai kehidupan baru yang ingin tetap keluar dari kesulitan. Suatu malam, Ray melihat klub malam tempat Dia bekerja dirampok dan anak pemilik ditembak mati. Sebagai masa lalu kriminalnya yang terkena Ray memburu orang yang bertanggung jawab atas kejahatan ini dalam upaya untuk membersihkan namanya sendiri
Trailer  House of the Rising Sun

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